Thursday, November 30, 2017

Extra Credit 2- AI Impact on Business Jobs

Business is  a fast moving idea and in this day in age so many college students are getting a degree in business (me being one of them). Many of us that are in the business field dream of owning or running or even starting our own business but now we often wonder with this new idea of Artificial Intelligence will that be changing the way business operates. Todd Kelsey article Artificial Intelligence Impact on Business Jobs gives us a little insight by using the four sample areas  accounting/finance, Marketing/Analytics, Entrepreneurship, and Human Resources.

Let's start with accounting/finance so when we think of these two areas the first thing that comes to mind is numbers and checks and balances. So one would conclude that maybe Artificial Intelligence would not necessarily have a negative impact on this area of business in terms of jobs. Todd Kelsey article states "Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations. In general, employment growth of accountants and auditors is expected to be closely tied to the health of the overall economy"(Kelsey.2017). See this looks good but as mentioned doesn't consider AI so maybe it will effect this area of jobs. An example that is mentioned in the article is Global firms have developed a software that creates less work for an accountant and auditor to prevent repetitive tasks. In the end AI is going to affect the accounting/ finance job area but how drastically and positively or negatively we will just have to wait and see.

Next is business analytics which is big in the artificial intelligence but in a good way based on the article.  That means that a lot of the jobs in these two areas are looking for that knowledge on AI and automation. "For example, in LinkedIn's list of top skills to get people hired for 2017, among the very top ten include statistical analysis and Data Mining, and Data Presentation"(Kelsey.2017). For those individuals that are in this field it's important to educate yourselves on Artificial intelligence and automation to get yourself ready for the jobs to come.

Entrepreneurship is a growing field and the goal is to create jobs and opportunities for individuals. What I found interesting in this article regarding entrepreneurship is "A survey from Bentley University suggests that millennials sense that career success will require them to be more nimble, independent and entrepreneurial than past generations. Only 13% of survey respondents said their career goal involves climbing the corporate ladder to become a CEO or president. By contrast, almost two-thirds(67%) of said their goal involves starting their own business"(Kelsey.2017). I found this to be very interesting because this couldn't be more accurate because so many millennials have realized that what will make them the most happy and successful is if they are their own boss running their own business.

The last area is Human resources is the short point is that some areas of human resources may require automation while some areas may not so it's just better to be educated so that those in that area are ready for which ever job comes their way.

At the end of it all four areas will be affected with artificial intelligence and it's best to learn now.

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