AI at this point is moving drastically and it's going to come quicker than expected. In the introduction for his book Todd Kelsey is mentioning how AI is heading in the direction of many job loss for the next 5 years or so. This is a strong assumption to make because that is what the people fear is that eventually robots will be taking over peoples jobs. What I like about this article is the example that is used which is "For example, for a publicly-traded company, when profits are falling and there is pressure to cut expenses to maintain profitability, a company may hide behind the amoral rationale of duty to shareholders, and make whatever decision benefits the shareholders and the stock price". This is so true because then what happens is people end up getting laid off which then increases the stocks. At the end of the day the company has to be worried about the people and society while maintaining their bottom line.
Another valid point that is made in this article is that if in fact AI is going to create job losses there is really nothing we are going to be able to do about it so we almost just have to roll with it and be to date with our information on it to prepare ourselves. The key takeaway is at some point or another a industry will under go changes of some sort and employees and employers adapt, adopt, and adept those changes and that's what the goal of this article was in my opinion.
For more information on this article check out the link below

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