Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 5-Has the Job-Hunt Changed or not- What Color is Your Parachute

In the first two chapters of "What Color is Your Parachute" talks about how the surface behavior of job-hunting is changing for example Richard Bolles  states when "new technology arises- think computers, think internet, think smartphone, think digital resumes,think the Internet of things- job-hunting alters. On the surface"(Bolles.2018).  This is very true but then in Chapter 3 he starts by mentioning that even though all those things with the job-hunt are changing doesn't mean the essence of job-hunting it self is changing. Bolles states "job-hunting is not a science; it is an art. Some job-hunters know instinctively how to do it; in some cases, they were born knowing how to do it. Others of us sometimes have a harder time with it"(Bolles.2018). This is so true but in this day and age with all the changes and such there are so many resources to help those that are in fact struggling with the job search and get them on track. Final thoughts from this chapter 3 are that job-hunting is something that one has to take the time to do. If the methods or steps one is  taking aren't working something has to change because their are jobs out there for everyone.

In an article by Lydia Dishman "How You'll Search for  A Job in 2017" talks about the trends that are occurring in the job search which ties into What Color is Your Parachute as well that it's not necessarily the idea of job searching that's changing but it's how were going about the job search that is changing. Lydia states " According to LinkedIn report, 85% of people- known in HR parlance as "passive job seekers"- are employed and satisfied with their position. Yet nearly half (45%0 say they'd be willing to talk to a recruiter about a potential opportunity"(Dishman.2017). In 2017 that couldn't be more accurate because people want to be well rounded individuals and be able to bring many different skills to a company in order to be successful in the future.

Next the article dives into Assessments such as cognitive and/or behavioral assessments. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13% of U.S employers utilize personality assessments"(Dishman.2017). This is one of the changes that I believe Bolles was referring to because this isn't something that is really changing the essence of the job-hunting but it's changing the way the job-hunting is going, because often the individual that doesn't want to take the cognitive or behavioral assessment may not be qualified for the job in hand.

Closing thoughts changes are occurring no doubt about it but the essence of job-hunting is still the same but new ways of doing it are coming into place. Also Lydia makes a valid point to focus more on social media to fill job positions. Everywhere we go social media follows.

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Week 15- What Color is Your Parachute

 Throughout the course reading this book has guided me and the last section oft he book is about finding your mission in life. We all wonder...