Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week 4 Social Media-Why Businesses Can't Survive without Social Media

With being in 2017 it's hard to believe that a lot of companies don't use the internet as a way of communicating with there customers.  The problem arises is that companies often think that they are able to survive if they don't jump on the social media bandwagon but that is just not the case according to the article by Ryan Holmes. Ryan Holmes states "For businesses today, the best way to keep your company successful, in my estimation, is to fully embrace social media"(Holmes.2015).This couldn't be more accurate because social media now a days is allowing customers to buy products, book reservations, book plane tickets, etc. Also  social media itself is helping the companies as well by allowing them to sell their products on  social media networks which in terms may be creating a different client base.

Now the question becomes if businesses can't survive without social media then why don't all of them use social media.  Ryan Holmes mentions that as of 2015 a lot of senior executive, CEO's, and decision  makers don't know what social media does or even how it can contribute to the future success of their business. Ryan Holmes states" Three-quarters of online adults in the U.S. now use social media sites, according to the Pew Internet Project"(Holmes.2015). That means that majority of the world understands what an impact social media has on their business and how it will help them in the future. Another reason is that businesses are scared of the changes that would be made with social media. Ryan Holmes says " The argument so often cited by executives-- that social media is too new, too fluid and too "soft" and unquantifiable to merit serious consideration-- no longer holds water"(Holmes.2015). This is makes sense for businesses that have an older generation of employees  but also at the same time change is often good and something that will help make the business successful which is what those employees want in the end.

Closing thoughts social media is changing the way consumers and businesses work together so if one doesn't get on board they will fall behind. "Around 2 billion people-- more than a quarter of the planet--are now on social media. Investing in a social strategy now is the single best way to future-proof of your business for the years ahead"(Holmes.2015). Not to say you have to change everything in your business just allow other ways of communicating with your customers and employees and being able to introduce new products and services. Don't want to be the business that's left behind just because you don't want to introduce social media into it.

For more information check out the link to the article mentioned in this blog.

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