Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Week 13- What Color is Your Parachute

Throughout Richard Bolles book he has given us many different pieces of advice in terms of finding a job, what the job seekers look for, etc. Now in this chapter he talks about how to choose or even change career choices. He breaks it up into five different ways.

The first way is by using the internet and being able to categorize the career you are looking for whether its by industry, largest number of openings, etc. Then once you have selected that it allows you to narrow down your search. The internet is a good way to help with career selection.

The second way is Tests or assessments. The thing about this way is that the tests aren't always accurate based on six things Bolles mentions about test 1. You are absolutely unique which means no test can measure you. 2. Don't try to figure out ahead of time what you want the results of the test to be. 3. Be looking for clues and suggestions and not a for sure answer. 4. Take more than one test. 5.  Broaden first then narrow down later. 6. There will always be mixed reviews about tests. So tests can be good but often don't read to much into the test.

The third way is to use the flower exercise which is organizing who you are and then putting your five favorite skills and three favorite fields of knowledge. Throughout the process you may be able to combine your favorite fields with one career. Once you find one then you start talking to those experts in those careers and see if you like it.

The fourth way changing career in two steps. Bolles in his chapter uses the words Difficult path which is changing both your field and title at the same time. In this chapter and with this way it's better to change one because then you can show prior experience instead of changing both at a time.

The fifth way is finding out what the job-market will need and what is going to be upcoming in the years to come.

To wrap up there are many ways to go about finding a career these are just some of the ways to think about.

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Week 15- What Color is Your Parachute

 Throughout the course reading this book has guided me and the last section oft he book is about finding your mission in life. We all wonder...