Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 12- What Color is Your Parachute- How to deal with Any Handicaps you have?

Do you ever wonder what went wrong, why didn't I get the job or the interview? The reality of it is that your not alone everyone feels like that at some point in their life. Richard Bolles chapter is here to tell us that everyone is handicapped in some way and tells us to not think of all the reasons of why an employer wouldn't hire you but why they would be lucky to get you.

In chapter 10 Bolles mentions dream killers which are certain disabilities that knock down your dreams and he gives examples that show how to get around those dream killers. The example that stands out is "One career counselor was working with a young adult who was dying to be a commerical airplane pilot. The killer: his eyesight was too poor to be a pilot. Well, there was a clue as to where to go from there. It was the way our would-be pilot talked about planes. The counselor sent him to the airport to right down all the other occupations you can do their beside being a pilot and when he came back he told said he loved the idea of making the seats that they put inside new airplanes and now he still works in the airline industry"(Bolles.Chp10.2018). Don't be discouraged theirs ways around the dream killers.

Now this topic has been a upcoming issue with the prejudices of employers Bolles mentions 7 but I will talk about the first three 1. Is out of work too long.  This is not hiring you because you have been out of work for a year or more. 2. Is racial, religious, or sexual stereotypes being prejudiced against blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, or Asians, gays, transgender. The anti-discrimination laws won't stop them they will find a way around them. 3. Age this is the big one because alot of the baby boomers are starting to reach the retirement years but those of that age will get hired if they show the energy and positive attitude and don't show their age so to speak.

The biggest handicap is shyness so John crystal came up with a method called the PIE method which stands for Pleasure, Information Interviewing and Employment to get familiar with P which is pleasure is to get comfortable first talking to family and friends about a topic that interests you then your able to go from their and start it out with relating it to the job process.

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Week 15- What Color is Your Parachute

 Throughout the course reading this book has guided me and the last section oft he book is about finding your mission in life. We all wonder...