Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Week 11- Social Media Digital Advertising

In 2017 it's no surprise that the way marketing is being done is through the Internet or some form of digital ad.  Christina Newberry article gives us some information that is of no surprise to us. "An anticipated $72.09 billion spent on digital ads in the United States alone in 2016, a number expected to rise to more than $82 billion next year and more than $113 billion by 2020"(Newberry.2016). Wow those are some big numbers but that's how fast this digital advertising is going.

So now that we got some statistics to show how serious this concept is lets talk about the top social media platforms that produce the most digital advertising which are Facebook and Twitter at the top. As we talked about in class social media ads are any paid content that an individual post to a social media network.

The new one is Hoot suite which has been using ads since 2012. The CEO Ryan Holmes laid out six ways to use social media ads to grow your business according to Christina Newberry article. Number 1 is to use free social media to beta-test your paid social ads this means using the content that you already post that is free and keep track of the responses that your receiving from those. Number 2 is to take advantage of targeting features which means targeting one group on one social media network and another group on another social media network.

Number 3 is rotate ads frequently that way your not losing business by repeating the same ads or messages over and over again which is what Hoot suite does a good job of allowing you to do. Number 4 use small samples to test the text and images used in your ads this is good because if you use a small audience and get feedback on several ads then your able to select which one to run with a bigger audience. Number 5 is understand how ads are sold in different networks this is key in knowing who's looking and if its a benefit to be paying or not.. Lastly number 6 is is to design ads with mobile in mind so that the user can access it on their mobile devices.


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