Thursday, November 9, 2017

Week 10- What Color is Your Parachute

Chapter 8 is self-inventory Part 2 Richard Bolles talks about the flower exercise which includes seven petals and the center. The petals consist of people, workplace, skills, purpose, knowledge's, salary, and geography. Now lets talk about each petal individual.

1. You and People: This is describing who you are based on the kinds of people you can work with or help.

2. You and a Workplace: This is terms of your favorite workplace, or working conditions, indoors, outdoors, small or large.

3. You and Skills: Describe who you are in what you can do and your favorite transferable skills.

4. You and Your Purpose of Life: This is describing your goals or sense of mission in life.

5. You and the Knowledge You already have: By describing what you already know and what your interests.

6. You and Salary/ Responsibility: Preferred salary and level of responsibility, whether working by yourself, or with a team member.

7. You and Geography: Preferred surroundings such as warm/cold, north/south, mountains/coast, urban/suburban.

Bolles then walks us through each petal and then shows an example of Rich Feller Flower diagram. Rich Fuller learned from my flower the importance of "Being good at what matters to oneself and its relationship to opportunity. Personal clarity and responsibility for designing "possible selves""(Bolles.2018). This is very important to understand yes the employer decides on hiring you but you can help them with their decision by understanding who you and what you want and what you can bring to the table.

Bolles, Richard N. "Chapter 8: Self-Inventory Part 2". What Color is Your Parachute",  18th ed. Ten Speed Press, 2018, pp. 125-197.

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Week 15- What Color is Your Parachute

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