Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week 6- What Color is Your Parachute

So in previous posts we have discussed the job hunting process but what we didn't mention is throughout that process at some point an interview is going to arise  So in chapter 4 Richard Bolles gives us job hunters some tips for interviewing for a job.

There are three types of interviews the first and most common that we don't even think of as interview is for fun or practice. These interviews are your discussing something that your passionate about with people in other words this is basically called a conversation very informal. The next one is interviewing for information this is if your conducting research on a topic and your wanting to get first hand experiences to put into your paper or your project this are aslo called conversations as well but a little more formal. Then the last one is interviews for a job and your interviewing with an employer who will either be giving you a job or not.  These are not called conversations and are meant to be very formal.

Now that we got the types out the way lets talk about some tips that are mentioned in this chapter. The first tip that is important when interviewing for a job is a lot like dating. Bolles states" this conversation is two people attempting to decide if you both want to "try going steady". (Or maybe its you plus six or nine others,depending on how many from the employer's team are sitting in, on the interview.).( This is so true because whether their responsible for hiring you or not we also get to decide if we want to work their as well once were interviewed.

The next tip that is very crucial is during the interview(s), determine to observe "the 50-50 rule."  Bolles states "studies have revealed that, in general the people who get hired are those who mix speaking and listening fifty-fifty in the interview(s). This is very accurate because employers want employees that are able to talk but then are also able to listen and understand the needs of the organization.

The final tip I will mention is that It's the small things that  are the killers, in a job interview.  Bolles calls 5 points the mosquitoes the first is: your appearance and personal  habits those that are clean and fresh are more likely to get the job. Second: Nervous mannerisms of not making eye contact, fidgeting with your hands or cracking your knuckles. Third: lack of self-confidence speaking soft or loud, hesitating when answering questions, downplaying achievements. Fourth: Consideration you show towards other people you don't thank your interviewer when leaving, you show lack of courtesy to receptionist, secretary, or server. Fifth: Values signs of laziness,  lack of motivation, whether you smoke or don't smoke, lack of enthusiasm for this organization and what it is trying to do.

Overall all these tips are very important when interviewing for a job. The key takeaways from Richard Bolles chapter 4 is to remember interviewing for a job is like having conversation that is more formal than going on  a date. Also another key is to not  do all the talking but not have the interviewer do all the talking either. Then to make sure you respect the people around you, are fresh and clean, and  have value in the establishment your interviewing for.

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Week 15- What Color is Your Parachute

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