Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week 2- My opinion on AI and Automation

With being in 2017 so many things are changing whether it's in the world as a whole or specific industries things are changing. Professor Kelsey article gives us a little glimpse of that change that were seeing in the job world. In this day in age its often better to be able to do so many different kind of skills whether it falls under the job requirements or job description that one currently has.A perfect example is from the article A New Kind of Jobs Program for Middle America " Students learn just enough to be dropped into teams of more experienced coders and continue their education at a company,  even as they draw a competitive full-time salary. They aren't building the high-flying start ups; most are simply translating business processes into code, transforming data or helping maintain and update legacy systems"( Mims. 2017).  My opinion it's not gonna hurt us to learn new things especially with the evolving of technology  and opportunity that is being presented in our world today.

I completely agree with the idea that it's okay for us to be a little scared of the changes that are being made but think about it would you rather be apart of the change then be left behind because in my opinion being left behind is more scarier than learning a new skill. As Professor Kelsey said in his article it's okay to be intimidated by something that we tried to learn in the past that didn't work but because we have had that experience one is able to learn and to help them with this experience. For example I'm a bartender at a Country Club and  one day want to open my own restaurant that scares the crap out of me but just because that's what I want do doesn't mean learning how to create a website or translating a process into a code or whatever it may be won't benefit me or even possible help me for my future goals or career path.

Overall this article makes us think about our future and what that future holds for us. Each person has to start thinking about how the AI and automation are going to effect us in upcoming years. As mentioned before just because your in the restaurant industry, music industry, or business industry doesn't mean that one can't transform into  coding. At the end of the day this is gonna happen whether were on board with it or not so it's best to just jump aboard and trust that everything will work out. Don't be afraid of coding just try you may even learn to like it.

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